The world’s top
sales organizations
turn to Forum to
stay ahead of their

27 of Fortune 100 sales organizations have trusted Forum to help them:

  • Drive profits in commoditized markets
  • Sell value over price
  • Accelerate revenue through faster sales cycles and higher deal sizes
  • Develop strategic accounts

Our Learning Content

Our library of learning content will help your salespeople find, win, and keep customers. Modularized to enable customization, the content can be delivered in several modalities, including classroom, virtual instructor-led training (vILT), and executive coaching.

From opportunity and account management to strategic account management, our learning modules will equip your salespeople to succeed across the full spectrum of the customer buying process and customer needs.

As a client, you will be able to draw upon our content library to develop the sales skills required to carry out your strategic goals.

We help align your sales organization to your strategy, and equip your salespeople and their leaders with skills to execute against it.

Sales is the link between business strategy and your customer. However, 50% of sales forces are not aligned with strategy. What if you could align your sales force with your sales strategy? Equip your sales teams with the right skills? Sustain their ability to drive results?

Organizations come to Forum to do just that. And they win more business. A 2010 study by the Aberdeen Group revealed that Forum clients have:

  • Faster sales cycles
  • Higher average deal size
  • Higher annual revenue
  • Higher sales team attainment of quota

Forum Prepares Sales Leaders to Set the Strategy and Lead the Sales Force

  1. Coaching in Context: teaches your sales managers fundamental coaching skills and how to coach around a variety of specific sales situations
  2. Managing Consultative Skills: provides a deep dive into coaching and reinforcing the consultative selling process and skills
  3. Leading an Effective Sales Force: equips your sales managers and executives to lead more strategically and build a high-performance sales culture
  4. Developing a Sales Force Strategy: teaches sales managers a simple approach to strategic planning
  5. … and, our extensive library of leadership and management content includes programs in leading change, influencing, driving innovation, motivating employees, and much more.